Horticulture Section Rules

  • A.N.S. means any number of stems allowed.
  • C.V.S. means colour variation allowed.
  • Judge will be supplied from Australian Horticultural Judging Association.
  • No late entries or change of entries will be accepted.

If stems of flowers & foliage are put in water for several hours, the material will keep fresh for longer period.


  • Roses may be wired.
  • The first named theme, colour or material should predominate.
  • Artificial/plastic/silk flowers, foliage or fruits may be used and may be purchased.


  • Any container that holds water & does not leak will do (please remove commercial label)
  • Cut flowers MUST NOT INCLUDE flowering hardwood shrubs; hardwood creepers or fruits.
  • Cut flowers MAY INCLUDE roses; hydrangeas; euphorbia wulfenii; marguerite pelargonium & similar softwood shrubs.
  • The stems of all flowers when exhibited must touch water.
  • Wiring of flowers & roses is not allowed.
  • Exhibitors must supply their own containers unless stated otherwise.
  • Exhibitor must grow all exhibits.
  • Flowers are requested to be self-supporting for when containers are handled and moved, using narrow neck bottles for roses and most cut flower entries.



  • Exhibitor must grow all exhibits.
  • Exhibits in garden produce must have stem, leaf or root system on exhibit.
  • The size, colour & shape of exhibits should be the same in a bunch.


Listed below are the suggested numbers that make a bunch.


  • Exhibitor must have owned all exhibits for at least 2 months.
  • Container size must not exceed 30cm in diameter & be clean.
  • Remove all dead, blemished or eaten leaves and flowers from plant as well as top of the soil.
  • Judge is looking for a round and balanced plant.
  • May include wall/board-mounted items.
  • Hanging baskets may be included if holders/hanging chains removed.
  • Name your entry or mark as unknown – no commercial labels to be used.