For the purpose of these regulations, Society shall mean the Dandenong Agricultural & Pastoral Society Inc., or any Officer connected therewith. Grounds shall mean the Showgrounds controlled by the Society, & Show shall mean Exhibition of any exhibit within the Grounds of the Society, on those days advertised as being the Days of the Show, of the said Society.
1. All Entries must be in writing, & on the entry forms supplied by the Society & lodged with the Secretary, P.O. Box 362, Dandenong, 3175, on or before the advertised closing date. The Executive Officer reserves the right not to accept entries received after this date, or if incorrectly submitted.
2. Entry Fees will be specified in the Schedules. The correct entry fee must accompany each entry or be submitted electronically, or the entry may not be accepted. Cheques, Money Orders or Postal Notes, should be crossed & made payable to the Dandenong Agricultural & Pastoral Society Inc.
3. The Committee shall have the power to reject any entry without being called upon to disclose their reason for so doing.
4. The Lodging of an entry shall bind the Exhibitor to the rules & conditions set out herein & the signature of any Exhibitor on the Society’s entry form shall be an acceptance of these rules and conditions. Any Exhibitor who supplies any incorrect information to any Officer of the Society or otherwise misleads the Society, shall render themselves liable for disqualification for such term as the General Committee may see fit.
5. Privacy: by completing an Entry Form, either written or electronically, an exhibitor will be supplying the Dandenong Agricultural & Pastoral Society Inc. with personal information (i.e. name, address, phone number, email address, etc.). Without this information the Society will not be able to administer your entry.
6. In the event of the Show being cancelled Entry Fees will not be refunded. EXHIBITS & EXHIBITORS:
7. A “Novice Exhibitor”, is one who has not won a 1st Prize at any Agricultural Society Show in the same or similar class.
8. All produce exhibited must be grown, manufactured & be the bona fide property of the Exhibitor, unless specified otherwise.
9. Any Animal with a notifiable or contagious disease, will be excluded from the Showgrounds.
10. The Society accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage to an Exhibit or injury to an Exhibitor, or the property of a Society Patron, whilst travelling to, or whilst exhibiting at, or travelling from a function organised by, the Society.
11. Each Exhibitor must enter their exhibit in the proper class (as per the entry from received from the Secretary, stating Section, Class & Exhibit number) in which it has been entered. The Stewards reserve the right to move an Exhibit which in their opinion is entered in an incorrect class, & enter it in the correct class.
12. Animals may be expelled from the Showgrounds if, in the opinion of the Officers of the Society, they are deemed to be causing a nuisance or danger to members of the public.
13. Breeding year for horses date from 1st August; Dairy Cattle from 1st July and for Beef Cattle as at date of show.
14. All horses, cattle, sheep or goats, exhibited at the Show may be subject to an examination of their mouth by a Veterinary Surgeon & should the state of dentition indicate that the animal is too old for the section in which it is entered, the Stewards will have the power to disqualify the animal & report the matter to the Committee.
15. No Judge shall be an Exhibitor in the class, section or department in which they are judging.
16. No Steward may remain in the ring (or area of judging) who is an Exhibitor in the class, in which he is acting as Steward. Under penalty of disqualification for all prizes awarded in that section or class.
17. Any prize or prizes awarded at the Show & left unclaimed for more than six months, shall be forfeited.
18. The Showgrounds will be open to livestock Exhibitors at 6.30am on both days of the Show, or at those times set down by the General Committee.
19. All large stock exhibits are required to provide proof of Public Liability Insurance or sign the waiver on the entry form.
20. The Committee shall, without assigning a reason Cancel a class or event, or alter the judging time of an event.
21. At the conclusion of an event, in the event of a tie, the prize money will be equally divided between the tied competitors, eg: when two
competitors tie for 1st place, the prize money for 1st & 2nd place will be divided equally between the tied competitors.
22. All disputes shall be determined by a disputes Committee, consisting of President, Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President & Immediate
Past President together with the Chairman of the section concerned, who shall have power to disqualify any Exhibitor from the section or class for the period of the Show in which the dispute shall arise.
23. The Dispute Committee shall report on all such disputes & the action taken, to the General Committee of the Society, who shall have the power to impose such penalty or disqualification for such term as they see fit.
24. Any protest against a Judges decision must be made in writing within one hour of the making of an award by the Judge, whose decision is being disputed, & such writing shall be handed to the Secretary accompanied by a deposit of $100.00 which shall be forfeited if the appeal is considered to be frivolous.
25. The decisions of the Disputes Committee shall be final, provided always that an Exhibitor may appeal to the General Committee upon lodgement of a further deposit of $100.00 to be forfeited if the Committee considers such appeal to be frivolous.
26. In the construing or interpretation of these rules or anything arising therefrom, the Disputes Committee shall be the determining body.
27. The Judges may award a 2nd or 3rd prize instead of 1st prize, or may withhold a prize altogether where there is only one exhibit, or where the exhibits are not considered worthy.
28. The Judge’s decision shall be final & no appeal shall lie, except as set out in Rules 21-26.
29. One or more of the Committee or a Steward appointed by the Committee will attend the Judges in each section. It will be their duty to see
that no obstruction is offered the Judges & that the space allotted to any section is not encroached upon. They will communicate with the Disputes Committee and ticket the winning exhibit.
30. The right to hold sideshows or amusements remains the Society’s property & shall be let to approved persons upon application in writing & upon such terms & conditions as the Society shall deem fit, & no such sideshow or amusement shall be admitted to the Showgrounds without the written permission of the Secretary.
31. Gambling is strictly prohibited within the Showgrounds, & any person found offending in this regard shall be removed forthwith & given in charge to the Police.
32. Selling of Raffle Tickets & or seeking donations by any person is not permitted unless written permission from the Society Secretary is granted.
33. Any person jumping fences or disturbing exhibits or interfering with exhibits will be prosecuted & removed from the grounds.
34. The Public will be admitted to the Ground on payment of the fee determined from time to time by the Committee.
35. All Competitors compete at their own risk.
36. All Competitors have a “Duty of Care” to avoid exposing themselves or other people to situations that could lead to injury or damage of property.
37. Exhibitors, whilst at the Show, work within the Occupational Health and Safety legislation of the State of Victoria.
38. Because of new legislation which came into effect on 1st August, 2017 regarding Working With Children, all persons working at the Dandenong Show including Judges, Stewards, Volunteers are required to provide a current Working With Children Card.
39. Our Code of Conduct for Child Safety, Child Safety Policy and Bullying Policy can be viewed on our website: under the information tab.
40. Drones – The use of drones is not permitted on the showgrounds.
The Secretary
Dandenong Agricultural & Pastoral Society Inc.
Telephone: 03 9794 0562
Updated March 2020
Show/schedule/rules & regs.