Bullying Policy
Bullying is an inappropriate behaviour using force or power. Bullying undermines another person’s self-esteem and confidence. It may be a one-off or may be repeated incidents:
- Disparaging remarks
- Public criticism
- Verbal Abuse
- Written Abuse
- Threats
- Shouting
- Sarcasm
- Belittling
- Name Calling
- Smirking
- Harassment
- Swearing
- Socially excluding people
- Spreading rumours & innuendo
- Throwing papers down/around
- A bullying complaint must be in writing
- The Safety Committee of the Dandenong Agricultural & Pastoral Society Inc. (DAPS) will undertake to hear the bullying complaint which will/could include mediation
- Failure of a Bullying Complaint to be finalised by DAPS the matter must then be referred to VAS Limited.