Working with Children Policy


This policy was written to demonstrate the strong commitment of the volunteers to child safety and to provide an outline of the policies and practices we have developed to keep everyone safe from any harm including abuse.

Commitment to child safety

All children who come to the Show have a right to feel safe and be safe. The welfare of the children who attend will be our first priority and we have a zero tolerance to child abuse. We aim to create a child safe and child friendly environment where children feel safe and have fun. This policy was developed by the Safety Committee.

Valuing diversity

We value diversity & do not tolerate any discriminatory practices. To achieve this we:

  • promote the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of all children and their families;
  • promote the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of children from cultural and / or linguistically diverse backgrounds and their families;
  • welcome children with a disability and their families and act to promote their participation;
  • seek appropriate volunteers from all cultural backgrounds


Recruiting volunteers

The Society seeks to attract and retain the best volunteers. We provide support and supervision so that people feel valued, respected and fairly treated. We have developed a Code of Conduct to provide guidance to our volunteers all of whom receive training on the requirements of the Code. We ask that all volunteers sign off on this document on arrival prior to commencement of duties on Show weekend.

Supporting Volunteers

The Society seeks to attract and retain the best volunteers. We provide support and supervision so that people feel valued, respected and fairly treated. We have developed a Code of Conduct to provide guidance to our volunteers all of whom receive training on the requirements of the Code. We ask that they sign off on that document.

Reporting a child safety concern or complaint

The Society Safety Officer and his assistants will be responding to any complaints made by volunteers, general public, parents or children.
Appropriate action is then taken- Refer to society’s current policies:

  • Code of Conduct in relation to Child Safety;
  • Lost child policy;
  • Mandatory Incident Report;
  • Risk & Consequences – specific Emergency Event : Child Safety


Risk Management

We recognise the importance of a risk management approach to minimising the potential for child abuse or harm to occur and use this to form our policy, procedures and activity planning in addition to general occupational health and safety risks. We proactively manage risk of abuse to children who are our show day patrons.

Reviewing this policy – This policy will be reviewed over two years and we undertake to seek views, comments and suggestions from our volunteers and show patrons – parents and children.