Celebrating 150 Years of Dandy Show

You read it right. The Dandy Show is turning 150 this year, 2022. The past 2 years has been such a challenge to everyone, including us in the community of Dandenong. We have worked hard to present a full show.

The name Dandenong is thought to be a corruption of an Aboriginal word which means lofty mountains. This of course probably referring to the ranges 20 kilometres north-west of Dandenong.

Back in the day, the country is flat and undulating and used to be densely forested with red gum. The Dandenong Creek is also a historical feature of our home, running through Dandenong to Carrum on Port Phillip Bay.

The Gateway

Early settlers recognised the deep value of the land in the Dandenong Creek basin. Its beautiful creek flats and deep soil made it attractive and highly feasible to turn the area as an early agricultural centre.

Joseph Hawdon established a pastoral run along the Dandenong Creek back in 1837 and brought cattle from Sydney by land, about the same time Melbourne was being settled. Soon after, the whole area was taken up for grazing.

Dandenong got its first road connecting it to Melbourne in the late 1850s and made it an important staging post for travellers. Thus, it was known as the ‘gateway to Gippsland.’

The livestock market brought farmers to the area from all over Victoria and the produce market catered to the wives and children, making market day, even back then, a loved family outing.

The Dandenong Agricultural & Pastoral Society

Agricultural and Pastoral Societies play central roles in the development and promotion of new farming technologies and at the same time blending in entertainment, commerce, and education with popular culture.

The Society has gone through a lot of good and bad times, but through it all, the Society soldiered on and remained strong and steadfast, in serving the community and getting them involved.

The Society’s strong sense of community and family spirit was efficiently passed on to its present set of community leaders, adapted from the examples set by our pioneers.

The great examples set by our principals, is shown when it became a tradition for our children and active community members to follow in our footsteps. 

Our children and our dedicated community, work through the ranks to continue the past work set brilliantly by this time-tested institution.

Volunteerism is a key ingredient espoused by the Society, as well as the goodwill and wholehearted dedication of our office-bearers and members. If you would like to play a more active role and be a volunteer at the Dandy Show, you are more than welcome to join us by filling in the Volunteer – Dandenong Application Form.

There are volunteer positions that are available in every area of the show. Check the volunteer form here: 

Still Dandy during the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic was a trying time not only for Australia, but the whole world. Though we may not have celebrated our annual events, much as we want to during the past two years as we normally do, we are coming back with a bang!

What we sorely missed is the throngs of families with their kids in tow. It was a hard decision for the Society’s Committee to cancel the festivities, but we had to for everyone’s health and safety.

With the situation slowly normalising, and restrictions are slowly being lifted, we claim this pandemic as just another hurdle the Society and our community will eventually overcome and surely crow about in generations to come.

Planning is already underway. Prepare your Arts and Crafts projects, hone and perfect your cooking skills, beautify your animals and get your gardens ready. 

We are looking forward to giving everyone who will be coming, a Dandy Show in 2022 in our 150th Show. Come and grab a showbag or two as you stroll among the numerous pavilions. Stay on the Saturday night, look up, and enjoy the fireworks display.  

Mark your calendars and keep November 12 & 13 free. For a more detailed read of our history, visit History – The Dandy Show.

Check out The Dandy Show for more information about all events and activities. Reasonable ticket prices, and kids under 5 and under are free of charge (GST is inclusive in all ticket prices).

Come join us for a Dandy good time! See you there!

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